A growing stack on the notes to self from feedback office hours and all the miscellaneous shit involved in an independent study/thesis, documented here. These notes are a structure to the degree to which they help me write the actual thing.

Related Notes :

Note to Self - Be less impressed and more involved. Follow your curiosity here. You love this, and this is you. Make the task something you enjoy doing. Write, even if it is just a little every damn day.

24/12/22 TODO Before sending to Matt Jones:

  • Citations & Bibliography
  • Clean up section III summary
  • Proof Read
  • Send across to MJ and ask if he’d be interested in using Git

Winter Reading List:

  • Christopher Kelty - The Participant
  • Computing Taste
  • Foucoult - Sexuality
  • Gabriella - Hacker Politics: Three Ethical Moments in Debian

Discussion w/ Sanjay Jindal 21/12/22: Suggestion - Application blockchain/crypto. Power users of “Web 3.0”

  • Users - Power User —> Creative User,

  • Technology

  • Mythology - of Information Overwhelm

    • Spotify wants to expose you to ALL
  • Recommendation algorithms: Tension between exposing you ALL vs. Reenforcing the Existing Tastes (exploit v explore - TODO: Read Nick Seaver more closley)

    • Relationship - between recommendation to
    • Echo Chambers (em)
  • Political: Construction of Subjectivity through technology → Bewildered Vs. Creative

Meeting w/ MJ 16/12/22: 

  • Different layers of conceptions of users as agents
  • Limits of the recursive public model - can we still find a promise in the moral and poltiical order of the recursive public.
  • Apple - Propaganda (would work for creatives) “creatives.” It “just works.”
  • Power user in a sense you could be a master of the tool. 
  • Power users are “empowered” - in what sense? Key-strokes Vi. Shortcuts. Technically savvy users
  • Look into Macro languages!
  • Modding closed-source software. 
  • Foucault: How does power shape subjectivity? An individual understanding
    • Power is productive of different subjectivities because it offers us through a collective hermeneutical and epistemology (language) to understand ourselves, form indentity and find community around it.
    • Homosexual vs. Heterosexual - historically recent and contingent categories that reflect “powers” ability to shape subjectivity. The way we understand ourselves.

Exploratory Reading: