Here’s a list of things I use. Tools are meant to enhance our powers of shaping the world. I am trying and discarding. By keeping an explicit list, I interrogate if I need something. I need to use less, better. These tools help me create instead of only consume.
- MacBook 16 inch Pro
- Air Pods Pro
- Kindle Paper-White 8GB
- Pilot Metropolitan Fountain Pen, Black, 1.0mm Stub nib
- iPhone 13 Mini (on black & white mode)
- Roman Gymnastics Rings
- Arc by the Browser Company
- Quartz (static site generator for Obsidian vault)
- HEY (email) and HEYDAY
- Basecamp (project management)
- Bitwarden (Open Source Password Manager)
- Marta (finder replacement)
- Alfred 5 (spotlight replacement) — Pro Supporter
- Spotify
- iTerm (with zsh)
- VSCode
- Programming: Bash, Ruby, Python, Javascript/HTML/CSS, Postgress, C
- Frameworks: Tailwind, Rails